Sunday 10 August 2014

Scottish Independence Debate.

Scottish Independence

Everytime I hear the words Scottish Referendum I cringe as all that springs to mind is petty politicians arguing and being small minded - eithers it their way or no way.

Live Debate

 Referring to the debate, one of many to come before the 18th of September, that took place on the 5th of August - Alex Salmond(Yes Campaign) against Alistair Darling (Better Together Campaign) this didn't just give the Scottish people an insight of what plans both parties have but showed the whole of Britain the outcome if Scotland were to either stay part as the United Kingdom or leave.
This sparked a massive social media craze.


Highlights of the debate -

How I see Independance

Recently this topic has caused an uproar within the United Kingdom.  As a Scottish citizen and young adult each day my views on this topic change as I gather more knowledge. I see myself as very mature for my age and want to make the right decision for my country.  Most information we get comes from the two parties - The Yes campaign and the Better Together campaign.  But is the information accurate, or are they sugar coating it to represent themselves better?

I feel strongly about this debate as not only do I want the best for myself, but I want the most amazing future fulfilled with great opportunities for when my own children are growing up in the foreseeing years to come.

This vote will affect my life in more ways than it will to a fifty year old women - this is why I think it should be tackled with 100% care.  I want to make sure we are making the correct decision either breaking away or staying within the United Kingdom.

 I think I speak for 80% of the nation when I say.. WE ALL WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING!  The real benefits? the real downfalls? CURRENCY?  I personally feel we are being played about with.  In the bluntest way possible, lets cut to the bloody chase (as we say in Scotland).

Educating younger generations who can vote!

Before the 18th of September 2014 I think every young person aged 16-21 should take the time to research about this crucial decision.

Vote on the information YOU have.  Vote on the way YOU feel. Vote on the country YOU want to live in.  Don't vote because Braveheart or what your friends are voting OR even because (I quote from a girl in my school) "want the same government as One Direction".  This is up to the people of Scotland.

Feel free to leave comments on your views about Independence and what you're voting and why! 

You Decide! The power is in you.

YouDecide -
Yes Campaign -
Better Together -